Some steps need to be followed to make a game asset in blender.
I am describing these steps as below
- Creating Model: Creating Model is the first step of making game assets. You should give concentrate which types of game asset are you want to make. Low poly or high poly. If you want to make low poly game assets then use simple mess and try to avoid sub-division. But try to give details of your model.
- Mark Seam: This is the interesting part. Before uv unwrapping you should mark your seam. That means differ your model part to paint to add texture. It's easy to mark seam in blender.
first select any edge and press CLT+E and then mark seam. After marking your seam the edge will be turn red.
- UV Unwrapping: Another interesting part is UV Unwrapping. After marking your seam select face mode and select whole the model by pressing A. and Then press U and select Unwrap .
It's done. and in UV image editing you can see your uv map. then select UV>export UV layout and save that as PNG format.
- Painting or Texturing: After getting the PNG Image you can open this image on any image editor and paint it with your favorite color and save it. This is your texture. you can use this texture in blender.
- Exporting as FBX: Export the whole file as fbx format and use it any of the game engine.